Sustainability pays off

1. Purchase land in the right location

A prime location remains crucial for the value and appeal of real estate. Accessibility, proximity to amenities such as schools, shops, and public transport, as well as the overall livability of the area, significantly enhance demand. This leads to higher rental and sale prices.

Additionally, the surrounding environment influences long-term value appreciation. Real estate in a good neighborhood attracts quality residents and businesses, contributing to a stable and profitable investment.

2. Focus on the latest sustainability standards

Reducing CO2 emissions has been a top priority for Europe for years. This commitment is evident not only in stricter regulations for vehicles but also for real estate infrastructure. Buildings are increasingly required to aim for minimal carbon dioxide emissions, or even CO2 neutrality.

For example, it is crucial to insulate warehouses, production facilities, and office buildings in compliance with legislation. Properly insulated commercial buildings retain their value in the long term, both in the sales and rental markets.

3. Opt for recyclable materials and modern techniques

Buildings that are currently vacant are often situated on sites with poor climate-related conditions, leaving only two options: renovation or demolition and new construction.

Focusing on the sustainable recovery of materials is vital. Investments in geothermal energy, heat pumps, solar panels, or other renewable energy sources are highly recommended.

Geert Perneel
Commercial director

“I fully agree that this approach involves additional costs, but realistically, there’s no alternative. Opting for second-rate materials that won’t stand the test of time inevitably impacts the investment value of your real estate in the long run. Properties that fall short in terms of sustainability are increasingly difficult to sell or rent.”