100% Green energy

We are proud to announce that as of October 2024, we are fully transitioning to 100% green energy. By efficiently distributing electricity generated by our own solar panels across our various locations and purchasing additional green energy, we can now power all our offices and production sites with sustainable energy sourced from Belgian solar panels. This means that every kilowatt-hour we consume – from lighting and heating in our offices to the machinery in our production units in Tielt, Oudsbergen, and Bree – is fully green and locally generated.

This transition to 100% solar energy is an important step in our ambition to actively contribute to a more sustainable future as a construction company. With this initiative, we aim not only to reduce our ecological footprint but also to set an example in the industry. We continue to innovate and invest in solutions that not only minimize our environmental impact but also help create a healthier planet for future generations.